Installation guide
General setup instructions.
Last updated
General setup instructions.
Last updated
Get the plugin and put it in the plugins folder. Start the server and let the plugin generate the folders.
Feel free to modify any settings in the configuration file as you see fit. Afterward, restart the server, and you'll be able to join with your new changes.
For both the multi-games per server and single game on the server mode, you'll want to create at least one game. You can do so with the "/bp create [game_name]" command.
Setup game.
First, set the lobby location (waiting location before the game starts) using the "/bp set lobby [game_name]" command, and then set waiting location with "/bp set waiting [game_name]" (waiting location is where players wait while the others are using lanes).
Next, go to all the lane locations where you want the players to stand and look at the pin area as if you were throwing the ball, then run the command "/bp add lane [game_name]".
Next, you'll want to save the game with this command "/bp save [game_name]".â
If you receive a message saying 'Game can't be saved!' after attempting to save, it means you haven't configured all the necessary settings for the game.
Games can only be deleted by deleting the game file. (Games files can be found here: /plugins/GolfParty/games/[game_name].yml
The video might be outdated, make sure to check the latest text instructions!