Configuration details.
This section configurs how the player game data is stored. By default the data saving is enabled which you can change at mysql.enabled
. The mysql.use_local_file
means the database will be stored locally in a file, you can find it in the /plugins/GolfParty/database.db
. If this is enabled you don't need to set anything else.
If you want to use mysql set mysql.use_local_file
to false, you'll need to set all the other
, mysql.port
, mysql.database
, mysql.username
, and password
for your mysql database.
This sets how often the player data is updated. The value is in seconds and 0 disables it. This is usually only used when you're using Placeholder API so if you're not using it this will be disabled by default.
Here is where you specify how the balls look like. Each of the balls has to be an unique material or a unique string. You can use a none material string when you want the ball to be a player head in that case you have to provide a texture which you can get from If you're using custom models you can also provide that with NUMBER_CUSTOM_MODEL_DATA. All of the balls require name and color values.
The edge and floor materials are default ones but you can always change them with the commands /gp set floor [material]
and /gp set edge [material]
which will change the materials temporary.
The not_reset_blocks are materials which the ball can land on and it won't get reset. This is used for when the ball falls out of the track and gets automatically reset. To include all the slabs you can use a part of the material just like in the config example _SLAB
For both win and lose commands works the same. Winners and losers will trigger the commands at the end of the game. If you set player to true it means the command will be run as if the player runs the command, if it's set to false the command will be executed by the console.
If you want to disable that you can set the command to []
. On the other hand you can list as many commands as you want.
If you want some commands to only be run for players that have a certain permission use the [PERMISSION]
prefix and next to it write the permission node [PERMISSION]Some.MyPermissionNode
When using the commands you can use the <player> and <uuid> prefixes. This is useful when you're using the command execution.
When you're using bungeecord or other proxies you might want one game per server in which case you can enable this to make the whole server work as a game server. (When a player joins the server they will auto join...)
You can use this when is_game_per_server
is set to true to return players to a specific server after the game or when they press on the leave item.
You can enable player vanishing to make the games more insulated.
The balls
part just means if the balls will have a particle trail or not.
Last updated