
Configuration details.

   enabled: false
   use_local_file: false
   host: localhost
   port: 3306
   database: database
   username: username
   password: password
   tablename: BowlingPartyData

This section configurs how the player game data is stored. By default the data saving is enabled with you can change at mysql.enabled. The mysql.use_local_file means the database will be stored locally in a file, you can find it in the /plugins/BowlingParty/database.db. If this is enabled you don't need to set anything past this.

Next if you have set mysql.use_local_file to false you'll be using a mysql database, you'll need to set all the other mysql.host, mysql.port, mysql.database, mysql.username, and password for your mysql database.

# Top 10 update rate (in seconds, 0 = disable)
top_10_update_rate: 300

This sets how often the player data is updated. The value is in seconds and 9 disables it. This is usually only used when you're using Placeholder API so if you're not using it this is disabled.

# Ball materials
# Here are default ball blocks which will be used in the game.
# The layout of the config is as follows:
      name: "10 ball"
      material: PLAYER_HEAD
      texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDk4NDFjZTg2YmZjMzk1OTFlODg1NzkyMDNlYzRjOGVmMmM4NmEyM2FlYTA5MjQ1OTFiOTMxZWE4NWVmYSJ9fX0="

Here is where you specify how the balls look like in the inventory. The balls.'2' means slot number 3. You can set the material and if you use a PLAYER_HEAD you can set the texture for it. You can find the head textures on the websites like this https://minecraft-heads.com/.

# Pin material
   material: HONEY_BOTTLE

This is where you set the pin material.

Some older versions have limited items you can use as pins so if you don't see the pins they might be hidden (Could also be they are hidden under ground which is a different problem).

# Settings
# Admin permission node
permission_admin: BowlingParty.admin
# Player permission node
permission_player: ''

Here you'll be setting the admin and default permissions. You can check which commands use which permissions on the Commands tab. If permission_player is set to '' it means players won't need any permissions to play the game.

# Commands
# you can use <player> when not using player mode ( give <player> gold ).
# as well as <uuid>
   command: 'give <player> minecraft:gold_ingot'
   player: false
   command: ''
   player: false

Here you'll set the winning and losing commands. To disable this feature set the command to ''. If the player is disabled (set to false) that means the command will be executed by the server if not it will be executed by the player. When using the server commands you can use the <player> placeholder which will be replaced with the player's name. You can see the example of the give command.

# End game
# you can use <player> or <uuid> for cmd.
      enabled: false
      cmd: some command
   start_new_game: false

The end command is server executed command which is executed at the end for every player when the game ends. By setting end.start_new_game to true it will start the new game after the current game ends with all the players still in game.

# Game mode:
# true = the whole server is for one game.
# false = have a lobby and games in one server.
is_game_per_server: false

This option is if you're using a proxy and you want one game per server. The server will have auto restarts and some other helpful stuff for proxy based mini-games networks.

# Scoreboard settings
scoreboard_enabled: true

You can disable the built in scoreboards and use your own with Placeholders API or not use it at all.

# Block commands when in game
   enabled: false
   not_blocked_permission: GolfParty.admin
  - help

You can disable commands while in game. So when player play the game, they won't be able to use all any commands other the ones that you specify in the list block_commands_in_game.allowed_commands you have to also enable it with block_commands_in_game.enabled and you can add an override permission with block_commands_in_game.not_blocked_permission.

# if is_game_per_server is set to true ignore this
   world: world
   x: 0.0
   y: 64.0
   z: 0.0
   yaw: 0.0
   pitch: 0.0
   return_to_lobby_after_game_ends: true

This only works when is_game_per_server is disabled. If you eanble lobby.return_to_lobby_after_game_ends all players will be transported back to location you specify here with world, x, y, z, yaw, and pitch. The player will also be transported there when they leave the game.

# Start
# Start the game when at least 2 players join the game
start_on_player_count: 2

# Max players count
max_players_count: 10

# Round time in seconds
round_time: 40

# Round count
round_count: 10

# Game start countdown
countdown_time: 30

# Lane length
lane_langth: 20

This are some general start options. The start_on_player_count is the minimum number of player required for the game to be able to be started. The max_players_count is the count of maximum amout of players in the game. The round_time is time in seconds for each round (maximum time for throwing 2 balls at pins for each player). The round_count is the amount of rounds in the game usually in bowling 10. The countdown_time is the tme in seconds for how long it will take before the game starts. The time starts counting down as soon as there are enough players in the lobby, and the countdown time will set to 30 seconds if the count time is more than 30 seconds and there is more than half of the maximum amount of players in the game. The lane_langth is the length in blcoks from where the player is standing and the pins are spawned.

# Countdown sound
   play_per_sec: 5

The count down sound will be played every 5th second or however you set it here play_per_sec the number can be from 1 to inf.

# Game sounds
   pin_collide: BLOCK_STONE_STEP

The sounds.reset_in and sounds.reset_out are the sounds that happen where the pins are. They represent the pins getting cleared and placed back.

# Ending
# Display effects before the game ends
win_celebration_seconds: 10

This is how long the game will wait before it ends. It's the time where players can take a look at the final result and see how they did before they are ether teleported back to the lobby or sent to another server.

# After the game ends restart the server
when_ends_shutdown: false

This sets if the server resets after the game ends.

# Effects
   enable_players_vanishing: true

This enables/disables player vanishing, meaning when the players are playing they will be hidden from other players on the server, they will feel more insulated.

# Formats

Formats is where you set all the messages formats for the game.

# Status display
# This will be shown on waiting scoreboards <lobby_status>
      WAITING: Waiting
      STARTING: Starting
      PLAYING: Playing
      ENDING: Ending

This is where you set the game state display it's used on the scoreboard when in lobby and it also could be found when using Placeholder API.

# Scoreboards

The scoreboard is where you set the lobby and game scoreboards.

If you're using an older version of minecraft you'll need to change the material names and sound names. You can google a list of them by tping Spigot 1.8 Sound or Spigot 1.12 Material to get a list of them.

Last updated